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::[ vectorzx domain ]::

There's no boring words in hacker's life.
New day = new things. Don't be a lazy fools!

walaweii... today i've done nothing but playing too much at office. hmm... if mr. hamid know... for sure he will smile :). he was a kind man that always help me to settle my problem. but i'm not playing too much, sometimes i'm looking back at my assignment. i've been assign to settle the cms project, working on grouping user and login page. i think i must settle it all tomorrow cause i wanna make it quick. then... i'll go to my next assignment. using MS Visual C++ 6.0 to make search application. ok laa... esok esok aku tulih lagi ye.. chalos amigos!

note: cms=content management system

mood: feeling orait ;).
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