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::[ vectorzx domain ]::

There's no boring words in hacker's life.
New day = new things. Don't be a lazy fools!

3/7 (Thu) - preparing search drive function
4/7 (Fri) - starting vc project for the above statement

7/7 (Mon) - searching the main function using google website
8/7 (Tue) - completing the above project
9/7 (Wed) - assigned two new sub-project - (1) checking internet connection - (2)trying to figure out SMTP protocol and how it work
10/7 (Thu) - studying the first sub-project
11/7 (Fri) - studying the second sub-project

14/7 (Mon) - helping shima completing her progress bar
15/7 (Tue) - working with en. hamid to make an application for purchase requisition (PR) - using vb and odbc database
16/7 (Wed) - make a simple sub-program to figure out maximum value in database
17/7 (Thu) - make a report sub-program for the PR project
18/7 (Fri) - make a search routine for the PR project

mood: feeling ok :|
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